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It’s our pleasure to inform you about the upcoming event International Conference on “Agriculture Engineering” during the period of June 23-24, 2025, at Berlin, Germany. We will be glad if you could accept our invitation to participate as Speaker or Delegate at our event. Agritech 2025 will be a great stage to interrelate with the experts all over the world and aims to develop the scientific discoveries. The theme of the conference is “Cultivating Innovation: Engineering the Future of Agriculture” Worldwide Meeting on Agriculture Engineering intends to unite driving scholastic researchers, analysts and examination researchers to trade and share their encounters and exploration results on all parts of Farming Designing. It likewise gives a chief interdisciplinary stage to Scientists, Professionals and teachers, Students and Researchers to introduce and examine the latest developments, patterns, and worries as well as reasonable difficulties experienced, and arrangements embraced in the fields of Farming Designing.

  • Start Time
    June 23 @ 8:00 am
  • End Time
    June 24 @ 5:00 pm
  • Location
    Berlin, Germany


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